Hi loves!
Today I’m going to be talking you guys through my top 5 chick lit books of 2020! Chick lit basically stands for romance/rom-com books, one of my favourite genres. I have read 15 books so far in 2020 so I can’t wait to share my top 5 chick lit books with you today!
Thank you so much to Kristaleagh for allowing me to guest post on her lovely blog! I can’t wait to talk with you guys in the comments and hopefully get to know some of you lovely people!
My blog is girlvsworld where I talk about books, lifestyle, beauty, mental health, social media tips and everything in between! I’d absolutely love if you could check me out and maybe subscribe if you enjoy my content. Without further ado, here are my top 5 chick lit books of 2020 and I hope you find some new ones you will grow to love too.
The FlatShare – Beth O’Leary
I read this book a few months ago during lockdown and it is my absolute favourite! It is definitely number 1 out of my top 5 chick lit books of 2020. It gave me that cute little butterfly feeling I often strive for when I read romance books as it was just so cute. I wasn’t keen on one small part of the ending, but it was such a small part of the book that it definitely didn’t ruin anything for me.
I’d 100% recommend this book if you’re looking for a fab chick lit book to read in 2020. It has an interesting story line as well as the obvious romance aspect too, so you won’t get bored when reading it! I wish I could read it for the first time again as it was such a pleasant experience. I also spoke a little more about this book in my April Reading Wrap-Up blog post.
Eleanor & Park – Rainbow Rowell
This is actually a little bit of a cheat as I read this towards the very end of 2019, but I’ve actually started to re-read it in 2020 (as I loved it so much) so hopefully it counts for my top 5 chick lit books of 2020 haha! This book is just lovely. There’s no other word to describe it apart from lovely. It’s such a comforting YA chick lit book and it made me feel so cosy every night when I snuggled up under my duvet with it in bed.
It’s a relaxing book but it also has interesting aspects within the story line. I also massively related to the two characters lives, so I found myself often living vicariously through them! One negative of this book is that I found it to be quite competitive so it took me a while to get through it, but I did find it got better the further along the book I got so I’d still recommend it to anyone!
All the Bright Places – Jennifer Niven
This is a VERY emotional and sad book. I’d class it as chick lit as it centers around the romance of a young boy and girl who are battling depressing and trying to find their place in the world where they fit in. I found myself extremely attached and touched by the characters in the book, as I related to them on a huge level.
This made it even more emotional for me whenever something sad/bad would happen to them as I loved the characters so much and it felt as if I was living inside their world! This book is amazing and absolutely has to be up there on my top 5 chick lit books, but only read it if you’re prepared for an emotional rollercoaster and ready to shed some tears throughout the book!
Me Before You – Jojo Moyes
This is cheating as I’m only about 60% through this book, but I have to include it within my top 5 chick lit books as it’s INCREDIBLE so far. I have already cried multiple times through this book and I’m actually terrified for the ending. I’ve seen the film on Netflix but I can’t actually remember how it ends so I’m super nervous but excited to see how it unravels for the two characters!
Me Before You is a love story with a twist – the man has a disability and the woman becomes his carer. The male character is a super cynical, sarcastic character and the female character is the complete opposite! She stays at the job as she has to financially support her struggling family, despite hating the job at first. She then, however, inevitably becomes more enticed by the man throughout the book and the romance unravels!
There are, of course, many obstacles in their way and I’m really hoping the ending is a happy one! Although I have a feeling it may be quite emotional and may break my heart slightly… We shall see! I’m prepared for whatever outcome there is and honestly can’t wait to finish this amazing book.
Bridget Jones’ Diary - Helen Fielding
Okay so OBVIOUSLY I had to save best until last… The absolute iconic Bridget Jones’ Diary HAD to be up there in my top 5 chick lit books! How could it not?! Most people have watched the film, but I feel like not enough people have read the amazing book! It captures the story line even better than the film and I love Bridget so much in the book – I really feel I can easily relate to her and her inevitable issues with men!
If you want a good old laugh along with a big tug on the heart strings and some frequent butterflies, I’d highly recommend you read this book. It never gets old and will always be one of the absolute best chick lit books out there! Have you read this one?! Let me know what you thought down in the comments. I might have to go read it all over again now I’m reminiscing on it, haha!
So, that’s my top 5 chick lit books rounded up into one blog post! Thank you again to the lovely Kristaleagh for allowing me to guest post on her amazing blog. I love reading her blog frequently so being able to feature over here is honestly an honour! I’m super active over on Instagram, my Twitter and Pinterest so make sure to give me a read over there and I’ll follow you right back!
I love interacting with you guys so would love to meet some more people and have a good old natter! I hope you’re having a lovely day and would absolutely love to know what your fave chick lit books of 2020 are, or even just your fave books in general! Make sure to let me know. 😊 <3